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Community Updates

Bula Vinaka and welcome to the Youth Champs 4 Mental Health.
Over the last 12 months YC4MH signed several project agreements. These included the Access To Justice Project with Fiji Women's Rights Movement, BRIDGE Project with Outright Action International and the Internship Program with Think Pacific. The aim was to strengthen the capacity of the organization, increase women and LGBT+ access to support services, develop strategic guidelines for our community efforts during this pandemic and continue to create awareness and education opportunities for mental health and suicide prevention within the grassroot communities.
In partnership with Outright Action International, Youth Champs 4 Mental Health continues to provide emergency supplies, mental health support and facilitate active referrals for the sex workers and LGBT+ communities in Fiji during this pandemic.
We continue to develop strategic partnerships with grassroot communities and NGO's for the implementation of community education and awareness programs to target most affected populations. 
Youth Champs continues to provide counselling and support remotely via our social media platforms including other communication apps such as Viber and WhatApp.
We acknowledge the support from the community and all our partners who have reached out during these difficult times.
Remain PHYSICALLY distant, but SOCIALLY connected!

Our contact is 9316307 or 9706512 if you would like to connect with us or drop us a message on FB or via our email

Youth Champs 4 Mental Health Stories
Youth CHamps 4 Mental Health Galleries
Youth Champs 4 Mental Health Mental Health Info

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Anthropologist - Margaret Mead

Get to know the advocates:

Meet Jay Nasilasila -  Former Vice President of  Youth Champs and a passionate advocate for mental health and people living with disabilities. Jay holds leadership roles within the NGO coalition in Fiji and has advocated on an international level for the rights of people living with disabilities, youth development and their active participation in decision making processes and the active involvement of women and LGBT+ community. Jay is recognized and highly respected and has contributed a lot to national developments.


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COVID- 19 Relief Project

Outright Action International

Youth Champs 4 Mental Health in partnership with Outright Action International, continues to roll out  support (psychological assessment/counselling), food/toiletries (including sanitary items), medical supplies and referrals for sex workers and the LGBT+ community who are  affected in Lautoka, Nadi, Labasa and Suva (lock-down/isolation zones). We also provided minimal lodging allowance for those who had lost their homes during the lockdown period.

June 2020

Executive Committee Change

The Executive Committee unanimously re-elected Lionel Rogers as President of Youth Champs 4 Mental Health. The decision was made after the current President, Jofiliti Veikoso resigned due to personal commitments. He remains an active supporter of the movement.

© 2017 by Youth Champs 4 Mental Health. Proudly created with

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